Monday, September 12, 2011

Not My Cup Of Tea...

First some business. The Chronicles of IDIOT is now on! Therefore, it should be available for the Barnes and Noble Nook, along with many other e-book providers soon. I will keep you updated as to when it is available! Also, since the book will be available in so many places, I will be redesigning the website to make it all more user friendly, and hopefully not confusing. Please let me know at if you have any suggestions for improvement.

I have noticed that I get a few Tea Party members who try to follow me on Twitter. I think after a few posts they notice I am not in line with their views. And in the interest of full disclosure let me tell you all: I am not against government spending.

This may seem as a surprise, my profile says I am an Independent, who wrote a satire (The Chronicles of IDIOT) about a secret government organization. It would seem that I am one large tax bill away from joining the “Tea Party Patriots”. Except for one thing, like I said, I am not against government spending. In fact my family is supported by government spending. My husband is a research biochemist who works at a University for a professor who gets her research funding from the NSF and NIH. Our livelihood is funded by the government agencies of The National Science Foundation and The National Institutes for Health. Science is a wonderful thing for the government to invest in, it is an investment in the future, like education.

So why did write this satire? Well, cause I am against a certain kind of government spending: secret spending. It is inevitable that (supposedly) for our own good, the government sets up secret (and semi-secret) agencies to protect us. Such an example is the National Security Agency. Supposedly (but secretly) the NSA has set up servers all over the country and is keeping all e-mails sent in and from this country. This is an important privacy issue that the government thinks is too important for us to know about. The only reason I found out about it is there was a story about a NSA employee, Thomas Drake, who was set up on espionage charges because he was a whistle-blower about secret budgetary overspending. That is the thing, how can the spending be accountable if it is secret? If you are more interested in Mr. Drake's story, google him, the findings will scare you.

But that does not make me a Tea Party member. I agree that we need to reduce spending and get the government's budget under control. But the Tea Party seems to want it done yesterday, and whines even when they get a compromise. I remember hearing an interview with a Tea Party Member who was PLEADING for her representative to insist that we balance the government budget THIS YEAR. That logic is tantamount to sending our country into a depression that would make the 1930's look like a very nice dream. The budget is going to have to be fixed in a lifetime, not a year, or we will regret it.

There is a song by David Bowie called “I'm Afraid of Americans”. Well Mr. Bowie, I too am afraid of some of Americans. I am afraid of the ones who see compromise as a dirty word. The ones who say “if you are not with us, you are against us”. We have to work together and compromise to fix this problem, or things could get a lot worse. And you know when we need to do that? When the recession is totally over (there is still some debate about that) and more people are at work. It is during the good times that we need to buckle down and work on the debt and deficit. The only problem is during the good times (as with the bad times) everyone wants a tax cut and no one wants to sacrifice. We can start the process now, but we need to keep it up for our lifetime, then maybe our kids (and their kids) won't have to pay for it all.


  1. Here Here! Zealotry (of all kinds) scares the hell out of me too.

    What truly scares me is not so much that these people EXIST (they always have and always will), but that people are LISTENING TO THEM. These people are masters at using fear as a weapon.

    In my opinion there is a fine line against a zealot and a domestic terrorist. Not all terrorists have to maim and kill, some do it with threats of poverty and oppression.

    I also agree that Government spending needs to truly transparent, or required over a period of time to be balanced. Sadly, I wish I shared your faith in our government, that it has no passed the "Point of no Return".

    I get the impression that you feel it can be saved, I feel that it cannot. Governments have a finite shelf life, not a single one has stood the test of time.

    Ours will be no different, though I fear it will be very slow in consuming itself with greed. The ultimate downfall will not be during the lifetime of my son, or his children, but eventually we will be referring to this land by a different name.

    I am not a revolutionary, I am not an anarchist. I don't think that the government in it's current form is something that needs to be overthrown, I have simply lost faith in it.

    The budget is merely the most obvious indicator that the powerful in this country care more for themselves than they do for the populace. The downfall of this country will not be budgetary, it will be from a lack of faith in the government from the people it governs.

    (Sorry, I just watched "V for Vendetta" today, and there are a lot of good lines from that movie.

    The best being, "People should not be afraid of their Governments, Governments should be afraid of their people."

    (Hopefully all of the NSA agents looking out for our best interests in reading this will count towards your monthly hit total Erin!)

  2. Well Chris - I am sorry you have lost faith in the system. It can change (sorry to use such a hot button word) but people have to care for it to work. Spending and politicians have to be accountable, and expectations have to be reasonable. But you may be right, we may be at the beginning of the collapse of America. But maybe try not to watch V for Vendetta too much. I am watching Paul (sci fi comedy from the guys who brought us Shawn of the Dead) but am only half through it. Very funny so far. If we are witness the start of the end of the US, we could use a good laugh.
