Monday, January 23, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

First, I have FABULOUS NEWS! Last night Great Minds Think Aloud posted a review of “The Chronicles of IDIOT” and Kitty Bullard gave it 5 ravens! THANK YOU, KITTY!
Here is the link to the review:


My writing buddy, Chrisopher Godsoe, recently received the “The Versatile Blogger Award”! Dun dun dun! And with that great honor comes the great responsibility of passing it on to five other blogs and stating seven facts about yourself. He bestowed the honor on me and so I now am honor bound to do the same.

Seven Random Facts About Me
  • I am a Stay-At-Home Mom, though I prefer the title: “Cole and Audrey Specialist”.
  • I occasionally sing in choirs and did in high school enough to go and sing in a very largechoir at Carnagie Hall.
  •  I used to be a Professional Igor, or as it is called in science: a “Life Science Research Assistant” and then “Research Specialist”.
  • I was a finalist in the Twitter 2011 writing contest #pitch2win from Abbot Press. Unfortunately, I did not win. But, that is how I met Christopher Godsoe and Frank Balara.
  • I love being raised and living in Arizona, but wanted to become a Marine Biologist when I was a child. (Didn't we all?)
  • Like Frank Balara, as a parent, I worry about EVERYTHING!
  • I do not read many blogs. Sorry!

What was that I just said? I don't read that many blogs? Geez, talk about pressure to then find five blogs to bestow this honor to... well when I thought about it and remembered some friends I have that do have blogs or write reviews on websites. So, they are going to be commandeered to act as a “blog” because I think if you write your opinion or thoughts on a webpage that is your own, or you contribute to then you are a blogger. It is up to the award winners if they want to continue the Versatile Blogger Award and give it out to five other worthy winners.

Before I do that, I want to give a shout out to my two writing buddies: Christopher Godsoe ( and Frank Balara ( as their blogs are insightful, thoughtful, sometimes radical, and sometimes silly. Chris always seems to be working on something brilliant for promoting his work including youtube ads and specialized software for his new work with scifi. His books include “Judgement Cove” and “Where I Can't Follow”. Frank is a writers' writer and his work is full of beautiful descriptions that I love to read but could not write to save my life. He just published his first work called “Manufactured Pleasures”. A review of that fine story is the previous blog here at “Chronicles of Idiocy” - see it is not ALL idiocy!

OK, here are the Five blogs I bestow with the Versatile Blogger Award:

1. This is my friend Kimberly Mangan's blog. She had gastric bypass surgery and has now taken up running. Her story is inspirational even for me who does not run, but tries to walk her dog at least four times a week. I need to worry about getting Type-2 Diabetes because it runs in my family, so I need to worry about staying healthy. Kim's blog certainly helps. Maybe someday I will join her on a Mud Run.

2. Eric Thomasma is a fellow writer I met on Twitter. He is the kind that helps out other authors (like me) by giving tweet shout outs about us and our blogs. He is a scifi and children's author and I could not help but to give a shout out to him here.

3. Tom Johnson is a friend of mine as we both survived Horizon High School. He wrote a short story that moved me so much back then that I still remember it today. He is also passionate about music and that is what he discusses on Something Else Reviews. I remember that we went to see a Yes concert back in the day. I only knew some songs from a few of their more recent albums (back then), well Tom knew every song and loved every minute of that concert. That is a true music fanatic.

4. My friend Sara Williamson is Ms. Rabbitknitz. Yep, she blogs about knitting, which has become quite popular in the past decade. Funnily enough, last week she was in my hometown of Phoenix for a knitting convention. She is a true believer in the yarn and knitting needles as a necessary therapy for today's too-quick world. 

5. Mignon Fogarty is a New York Times bestselling author and grammar devotee. Her podcasts, books, and posts about grammar give me something to learn and remember, or ignore at my own peril. But, she also gives wonderful insights into how subjective grammar can be, and that is a great balm for this writer.

No, they are not all about writing, really only two are about writing. But, that shows that I try to be diverse in the few blog-like websites that I do visit. I will try to visit more writing blogs, as I really need to get more involved in the community. If anyone has any suggested blogs or want to give a shout out, please do so in the comments below.

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