Facebook is fun. You get to keep in
touch with friends, family and possibly meet people who are kind of
like you. You share interests, laughs and most definitely opinions.
Those memes are
cute. They usually give us a good
laugh. Then opinions are thrown in, then political opinions, and
gentle (and not so gentle) insults are given and received. Then
Facebook is not so fun. I got into a FB fight about health care
recently. Boy, what a mistake that was. The guy kept using blogs as
sources. I give everyone permission NOT to use my blog as a source.
Blogs are opinions, like memes.
Those memes are like the new t-shirt or
bumper-sticker. They boil down an opinion to a phrase, sentence or
paragraph. The picture below is of bumper-sticker you can get from
the good people at zazzle.com and I have seen this meme around

I would like to say definitively, no,
President George W. Bush, I do not miss you. I do not miss much
about the economic mess that was your presidential career. People who
do miss you are revising their memories and cutting and pasting your
screw ups to President Obama. Hence the above meme. I am not saying
President Obama has done a perfect job, but he had to steer this
country away from an economic catastrophe. That is not an easy thing
to do.
The word revise is an interesting one.
Dictionary.com defines it as:
My husband (since
he is British) often uses the last definition and that throws me off
a bit. I think of our interpretation of history is more like the
first and second definitions. Not usually in a good way.
It is said that history is written by
the victors. Well in our democracy, I would say that history is
revised by both political parties until you cannot remember what the
truth happened to be. To improve the history till it fits your
Remember President Reagan? He is now
the banner boy and meme star for conservatives. I find it rather
funny because Reagan would be considered a moderate in today's
political landscape. He did do an AMNESTY for illegal aliens. That
would be political suicide today in the Republican Party. But never
mind, he is a conservative god.
Remember President Clinton? He is also
a moderate in todays political landscape. He did sign the repeal of
the Glass-Steagall act which then helped the country to build an
economic banking bubble. The act separated commercial and investment
banking. I think that did fuel budget to our first budget surplus in
a long time. Then George W. Bush spent it all and threw us right
back into the red, then, surprise surprise, the financial crisis
happened. Should have Clinton not repealed Glass-Steagall? Well,
all we can do is reenact the provisions that would separate
commercial and investment banking again.
I think Clinton's intentions were good
(he was always concerned about the economy), but we always think that
mistakes of the past (the Great Depression) will not happen again
because we are so much smarter now. That thinking put us in a Great
Recession. My point is that Clinton was not so left-wing and I think
his signing this (as well as Don't Ask Don't Tell) puts him in a
territory that seems to be no-man's land now.
Life, history and politics are always
more complicated than what can be put on a postcard, bumper-sticker
or meme. To intelligently vote, you need to do research, lots of it,
and then make up your mind for yourself.
Let us all try to interpret history as
accurately as possible. Historical revisionism is like any other
fraud. One that comes to mind is faking results in science. It may
help one person get fake kudos and recognition but it holds back what
the real result is because it is not reproducible. Revising history
helps one person or party but it holds us all back.
Speaking of fraud, have you heard that
there is a movement of Representatives running for the Senate that
want to repeal
the 17th Amendment? Leaving all that decision making to our
state legislatures. I don't trust my state legislature (of Arizona)
to much of anything so why would I want to give them my vote for
senator. This is yet another example of historical revisionist
thinking. The reason for the 17th Amendment was to take away the
corruption from the process.
I am an independent because of all the
corruption I find in both parties. Why would I “trust” the state
legislature to this important decision? Let those rich politicians
do the thinking for me? NO WAY!
I actually started a Facebook political
“discussion” about this very topic. This idea was defended by my
Uncle David as resembling the Electoral College. I am also not crazy
about that idea from our Founding Fathers. But it does seem that
this process is not too corrupt. That we know of... Actually we got
some very interesting ideas such as 6 year single terms for
Presidents (no more lame ducks) or go the whole FDR route of no term
limits. I like the first idea, as for the second one I agree with my
friend Joni who said “Too royal.” My cousin John thought it
would be a good idea for the loser of the election to get “2nd
place” and become the Vice-President. I then joked that we would
have a do nothing executive branch. It is a good idea, except for
all the divisiveness. This actually happens in other countries where
there is a President (1st place) and a Prime Minister (2nd place).
Zimbabwe comes to mind. It does not work, due to the rampant
We all dread the political season,
except for those who seem to revel in it. I for one cannot wait till
November 7th, 2012. The day after the election.
Then a few days ago a friend posted
this meme of a poster which is a representation of our discussion

I like it (along with 24 other people)
and completely agree: Then after 15 shares and 4 positive comments,
we get this from someone who I will not share their name but will
guess that they are a GOP operative:
“There can be no debate if only a war
will decide the victor. Politics and voting was designed to stop
killing wars when word wars fail to get results. Like gay marriage.
Without politics and voting, bullets would be used. We are polarized
and it will never change. Why do you think Democrats want socialism
under a dictator? If they were honest, they could never win. If they
were open to dialog, they would never win. So it must be low life
because republicans would never win. If the plan is domination why
have a dialog? Dems want domination nothing else. So names, Lies, and
underhandedness is the only way... who on the left can have an honest
dialog? Exactly. No one. So ... capitulate or fire with fire.”
What can you say to that? I would say
“This way to the loony bin.” But I don't think that person would
appreciate humor. That person is ITCHING for a fight. So I said
So, I have to add this, because if a
friend of mine put that out there I would at the very least have to
do this:

But I am not going to, because everyone
is entitled to their opinions. That does not mean I won't think they
are a GOP operative that are desperately trying to shake that
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