Monday, November 14, 2011

Anti-Intellectualism 101: Chicken-Pox Lollipops

Science and technology have blessed our country and the people of the world. If you don't think so, you might want to take back your smart phone, stop driving your car, stop going to the doctor, and move into a cave. Heck, you might as well not even use two sticks to rub together to make a fire.

Yet, there are some who rail against science. They deny published studies because it may hurt profits for an energy company. They insist that evolution not be taught in the classroom because it is not in the bible, although that would need to take Genesis literally, which many do. Or they send out Chicken Pox tainted lollipops for $50 a pop.

This last example is the latest in “I don't trust them doctors” mentality. Nobody who is mentally healthy likes getting shots and especially giving them to their kids. But a shot is a lot better than getting a disease that can kill you. They think the middle ground is having a Pox party, which 100 years ago might have been a good idea. But we now have vaccines: which are safe, multiply-tested, and certified not to cause Autism. These vaccines can give immunity without the child getting sick. So, yes, I think a shot is a lot better than a disease. The Pox party/lollipop proponents say that getting the disease “naturally” give “natural immunity”. Yes, but it also gives your child (and everyone around them) the risk of deadly complications. Many people used to die of Chicken Pox, it may seem a cute children's disease, but in adults (and some children), it is deadly serious.

Frankly, I think those who sell the Chicken Pox lollipops for $50 a pop are the students of the masters of the three card monty. Con Artists thrive in a recession and we are recovering from the mother of all recessions for the past 100 years. Isn't there that saying that a sucker is born every minute? Those suckers want to give their kids suckers that have been sucked on by a stranger. That sucker could have ANYTHING ON IT! I would rather pay to have my doctor jab my kid with a needle to prevent disease, than play: “what's on the lollipop along with the Chicken Pox?”

We have freedom of choice; and parents have the choice to not vaccinate their children, home-school them, and try to keep them from all the “evils of the world”. I am all for choice, but a choice involves using your brain. So when making a choice, please try to keep all options available. Because trusting a stranger selling $50 lollipops about vaccinations more than your Pediatrician is just plain scary.

Some of my future posts will further discuss Anti-Intellectualism, since I think this is a serious problem in our world today.

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